Oral Botanica


Liquid Toothpaste, Mouthwash and Breath Freshener (3 in 1) 100% organic product

Oral Botanica cleans teeth, freshens breath, helps prevent bleeding, receding gums and mouth ulcers.

Good oral care starts here.

Promotion: Grab 4 for S$100!


Liquid Toothpaste, Mouthwash and Breath Freshener (3 in 1) 100% organic product

Oral Botanica cleans teeth, freshens breath, helps prevent bleeding, receding gums and mouth ulcers.

Effective Oral Care Product for Bad Breath and Gum Diseases

A 3-in-1 organic liquid toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener, Oral Botanica Classic is a revolutionary oral care product that can help you to deal with common oral health problems. This 100% natural product contains only organic botanical oils with no harmful ingredients or harsh chemicals.


  • Organic Food Grade Oils
  • Peppermint, Spearmint: effective to kill unwanted bacteria in the mouth
  • Clove: relief of pain, anti-fungal
  • Myrrh: supports healing, good for mouth ulcers
  • Tea tree: anti-bacterial, against bad breath
  • Almond: antioxidant capability

Strong minty taste. Bottle lasts for approx. 3 months

*Not suitable for people with nut allergy (almond oil) or mint allergy (peppermint oil, spearmint oil)